SAGA private equity is a specialist fund-of-funds investing in North American and European buyout funds targeting micro, small and mid-size companies, which typically have potential for generating strong investment returns. In addition to making primary fund investments, we selectively pursue secondary and co-investment opportunities.
Today, SAGA is one of Europe’s leading fund-of-funds with more than EUR 5.3bn of committed capital under management across nine funds.
SAGA is led by an experienced and cohesive team with a strong and proven 20-year private equity track record. The firm is independent and 100% owned by the five partners.
SAGA has a strong commitment to ESG and has signed the UN Principles for Responsible Investment. The Manager’s ESG policy and processes are thus a fully integrated part of the entire investment and monitoring process.
The Manager is licensed as a manager of alternative investment funds by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FT-no. 23133) under the Danish Act on Alternative Investment Fund Managers.